Saturday, August 09, 2008

puter problems

HI! YA'LL...
My good ol computer went in to puter hospital.... hopefully just a check up... I can only do so much with it myself, before it has to be really looked at. So Jerry is going to take a look at it.. and see what the problem is... I know what the problem is.. I'm too cheap to get dsl..ok,, so maybe when i get back to work I'll get it... jeezzsh... gimme a break...
Now I'm on my son's computer trying to catch up on email, and all the goings on in the world...
I can't upload any pics... Nick doesn't have a scanner.. and I'm very lonesome for my puter...I haven't even stamped... I'm going thru withdrawl on both accounts...oh wuh is me...poor poor ms lizz..
So bare with me... I'll get thru it... eventually... maybe....

I'll try to be back up and running on my own soon... with samples and ideas and hopefully my swaps from convention....
Krista,,, if you're reading this,,, the check is in the mail!

And yes we did make it to the fair this week.... hubby and I took Kaylee on Friday.... we got there at 10am... it started to rain, like right away... and rained for 3 hours....!! OMG....
So, we went into buildings to see some exhibits... the 4h building where Kay got to play in a huge sandbox for about an hour... played I GOT IT... won 3 games.... Kay won a doll of was that or the disco lite..we convinced her the doll was a better choice. Finally the rain stopped! We visited the livestock.. pigs, cows, sheep, goats, birds, and the petting zoo of course... and then the best time ever was all the rides Kay got to go on!... we got our moneys worth on that wristband!! No, grampa nor Iwent on any rides with her! and of course we ate! A full day at the fair and home by 6:30pm....
tomorrow is the birthday party for my neighbor, Barb, at Evangola state park, and off to the cabin on tuesday.... ...

so, catch ya'll next week.... when my puter should be feeling better.


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